Thursday, April 1, 2010

Musing About Contests and Other Fun Things

I am a little disappointed in the response to my Pillsbury Sweet Rolls Giveaway, I have to keep reminding myself that this is a new blog and it takes awhile to build up followers. I'm thinking of having contest just for people to follow this blog. How about a Subway gift certificate? How does that sound? If your already a follower you'll still be eligible so you can go ahead and follow me now. You'll still need to come back and leave a comment if I do decide to do this.

Speaking of contests I have a new review and giveaway starting sometime next week after the current one ends. It's for Yoplait Yo Plus yogurt so check back next week. One of the gifties that came with my package from MyBlogSpark and Yoplait was a pedometer and I've been having fun with it. I managed to walk three quarters of a mile yesterday from the time I got home at 6:30 and opened the package until I went to bed. I've had it on all day and I'll see what I get up to.

I'm having car problems again so got to pull out even more of the "frugal tools". It's a good thing I stock up when things are on sale. There's a lot of things I won't have to buy for awhile and that really cuts the grocery bills. I've also gotten good at using what I have on hand and whats on sale. If you remain flexible it can really cut down on your food costs.

I called the phone company and I think I've cut out some of the unessential services and reduced my bill. I'm not sure though, have you ever tried to talk to those people? There's so much double talk and this package that package stuff that it's hard to keep it all straight. We'll see if it's lower. I supposedly lowered my internet speed but I don't notice any differences. I also find the "That rate is only for new customers" total garbage. I've had their internet services for years and never got a discount. Now is that fair?

I stopped at the little farmer's market here in town for the items I needed for the veggie tray and potato salad. They had some tomato plants out already and I bought a cherry tomato plant and planted it. It's a little early but since it's in a pot if it's going to get too cold I'll bring it in. There's a picture here of the garden I had last year.

1 comment:

  1. I think a Subway giveaway sounds great. It's a healthy meal and everyone can order the sandwich "their" way!

    Don't be discouraged. All endeavors are small before they become big. I certainly enjoyed your giveaway - LOL!

    Good job on the walking! One of our favorite places to shop and save money is our local farmer's market!

